
The Best Baby Toothpaste: Top 6

Getting the best baby toothpaste isn’t so difficult. Don’t panic! You’ve just found out that you’re pregnant and you’re due in a few weeks. How long will your baby have to wait before they can have toothpaste? In the meantime, here are six brands of toothpaste that you can use to keep your baby’s teeth healthy.

When To Start Brushing Your Baby’s Teeth

The first tooth that emerges is important because it determines how often you will need to brush your baby’s mouth. The average person has 21 teeth by age 18 but the moment their actual milk cutters appear can be difficult for parents who don’t know what else to do besides using conventional wisdom and tradition when brushing infants’ chompers!

But if we’re going by ADA standards on proper oral care habits-which say babies should start getting cleaned up with cloths dampened in water or tea leaves before any child gets his/her pearly whites—then there are other things every parent needs after birth too soon after coming into this world:

The Tooth Fairy’s Favorite Baby Toothpaste

For the toothless ones among us, you will likely want to use a toothpaste that doesn’t contain fluoride or naturally occurring herbal ingredients. This is a great toothpaste for young children that won’t irritate their gums. It also doesn’t contain fluoride or sulfates, so you don’t have to worry about the toothpaste irritating your baby’s delicate mouth.

Colgate Baby Toothpaste

Colgate is a popular brand of toothpaste for babies. It comes in two flavors, mint and fruit. This toothpaste can be used by babies 6 months and older. It includes fluoride to help strengthen the teeth and prevent cavities.

This toothpaste is available at any local drugstore or online.

Tom’s of Maine

Tom’s of Maine is made with natural ingredients that promote healthy teeth and gums in children, even if they have just come into the world. Tom’s of Maine has been trusted by parents for over 100 years and has been considered a “Top Pick” in recommendations for pediatricians since 1990. This brand also helps prevent cavities, plaque buildup, tartar buildup, bad breath, and gingivitis too!

Dr. Brown’s Best Friend.

Dr. Brown’s is a brand that has been around for decades and provides parents with a range of healthy baby products to keep their children’s oral hygiene in top condition. Dr. Brown’s is non-toxic, gluten-free, and made from organic, sustainable ingredients like coconut oil, xylitol, and olive oil, which are all beneficial for your baby’s health. The products are even made in the USA!

Another benefit is that each product comes in an easy-to-clean package, so you don’t have to worry about getting toothpaste on your hands or worrying if your child will end up eating it if it’s left out on the counter.

Crest 3D White Toothpaste

Crest 3D White Toothpaste is the brand that is best for your baby’s teeth. It has a mild flavor and a pleasant minty taste. This toothpaste also has fluoride and chlorhexidine gluconate in it, which are both good for preventing cavities. In addition, it contains essential oils like cinnamon extract, spearmint extract, and peppermint extract. These scents help to make this product more appealing to babies.

The high-quality ingredients in Crest 3D White Toothpaste make this one of the best kinds of toothpaste for babies. Another benefit is that there are no artificial colors or flavors in this toothpaste. So you don’t have to worry about any strange tastes or smells coming from it when your child uses it.

Lily’s Smile

The Lily’s Smile Baby Toothpaste is another fluoride-free toothpaste that offers the same benefits as the Listerine Cool Mint Fluoride-Free Mouthwash, but with the bonus of being made out of all-natural ingredients. The product doesn’t contain any synthetic chemicals or mind-altering substances that might harm your child in any way. It also comes in a variety of flavors like orange raspberry, spearmint green tea mint, and grapefruit dream to suit your needs.

The only downside? This brand is not budget-friendly but it’s worth it to use this high-quality product as they’re great for your little one’s health!

Hello Oral Care Flouride Free Kids Tooth Paste

If you have a child under the age of 3, you can use this type of toothpaste to help prevent tooth decay. It is safe for children and it has been proven to reduce cavities by up to 50 percent in children.

This toothpaste is great for parents who are on the go because it comes in a convenient, easy-to-use tube.

With all these benefits, how could this toothpaste not be your number one choice?

What To Look Out For In The Baby Paste

There are many things to consider when selecting a baby’s toothpaste. One of the most important things is the ingredients. One brand that is known for having all-natural ingredients is Earth’s Best Organic Baby toothpaste. It is made with natural fruits, vegetables, and herbs to leave your baby’s smile clean and healthy. Another important factor to look into is whether or not the product contains fluoride. Fluoride helps strengthen teeth so it’s a crucial ingredient for anyone under six years old.

The last thing you should consider when choosing your baby’s toothpaste is the taste and texture. This can mean a lot for a toddler or infant since they might not be able to tell you if their mouth feels uncomfortable or not. So it might be important to find a paste that isn’t too thick or too runny to make sure it doesn’t end up on clothes, furniture, or the carpet while they are learning how to put it in their mouth.


This article provides a quick overview of six toothpaste brands that are recommended for babies. The article highlights the main features of each brand and provides the reader with a list of pros and cons for each brand.

Regardless of which toothpaste your baby uses, you should always make sure to have a toothpaste handy for them as a way of teaching them about dental hygiene.

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